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CEO Message - Sept/Oct 2022

I hope that you have been able to enjoy the hot summer this year and that you are staying safe! The flooding of the Yellowstone and Boulder Rivers in the southern part of our state were devastating to say the least. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our members, employees and everyone affected by the flooding. Triangle crews and contractors are working on the 2022 Fiber-to-the-Home upgrades in Moore, the Whispering Pines area, and...

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2022 Annual Meeting Nominating Committee

The board has selected the following members to serve as the 2022 Annual Meeting Nominating Committee: Cheryl Darlington  Ronald Riter  Dale Teachout  Patricia Quisno  Tammy Bergman  Gerald Pierce  Rodney Keith  David Hixson  John Zinne 

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CEO Message - July/Aug 22

The 2022 Fiber to the Home projects are underway! Our crews and contractors are in the field working to bring fiber to South Malta (658), the remaining portion of Moore (374) and two areas in Big Timber (932). We would like to thank our members in these areas for their patience during these upgrades. We will also begin the Hays (673) exchange in 2023 and plan to finish there in 2024. The South Chester (456) exchange plus a portion of...

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FAQ/Tutorial - What happens to my Facebook account when I die?

You can choose to either appoint a legacy contact to look after your memorialized account or have your account permanently deleted from Facebook. If you don't choose to have your account permanently deleted, it will be memorialized if Facebook becomes aware of your passing. Memorialized accounts are a place for friends and family to gather and share memories after a person has passed away. Memorialized accounts have these key features: The...

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CEO Message - May/June 2022

The Montana Legislature established the Connect MT program last year with federal stimulus funds. The intent of this program is to improve broadband internet across Montana. For Triangle we are continuing our plan of delivering fiber to the rest of our cooperative territory. Triangle does not plan on using any of the Connect MT program dollars to deliver fiber to the rest of our cooperative service area. Your cooperative has been running...

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Triangle Communications

Montana-sized Internet.
People-focused service. 

Triangle Communications, 2121 US Hwy 2 NW, Havre, MT 59501. ©   All Rights Reserved.